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    Reservation information such as the desired date of visit, name of booker, and number of visitors cannot be modified. However, you may make another booking after canceling an initial reservation.

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    If the reservation has been completed correctly, a text message will be sent to notify you of the reservation, and you can also check the reservation through reservation confirmation on the reservation site.

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    If you have trouble with the bar code or experience other problems, go to the registration desk and follow the staff's instructions.

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    A. Yes, an unforgettable walking experience awaits at Cheong Wa Dae even when it rains.

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    Regular extended opening hours are not currently available. However, special extended opening days are continuously being organized, so please wait for our announcement for the next nighttime opening of Cheong Wa Dae. * (Reference) From ‘23 June 8 (Thur) to ‘23 June 19 (Mon) ‘23 Scheduled to take place in September

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    It usually takes 90 minutes to two hours to complete a leisurely stroll around Cheong Wa Dae, including Nokjiwon, Sangchunjae, the official presidential residence and main office building.

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    You can see the main building, Yeongbingwan (1st floor), and Chunchugwan.

     However, viewing may be restricted at major national events.

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    If it is difficult to reservations on your own, we recommend that you reserve through a family member or acquaintance. (Reservations can be viewed through reservation confirmation in the reservation system -> On the day of the visit, receive a wristband from the registration desk to enter) In addition, in the case of the elderly 65 years of age or older, the disabled, and foreigners who have difficulty using computers or smartphones, on-site enterance will be issued twice at the site (09:00, 13:30) up to 2,000 persons each.

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    Portable outdoor restrooms will be installed for visitors. The restrooms at Mugunghwa Hill and Sarangchae in front of Cheong Wa Dae will be opened to visitors as well.

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    Yes, Take the trail in the back of Chungchugwan to Baekakjeong, Sukjeongmun Gate and the Seoul Fortress Trail. However, it is not open on the closing day of the cheongwadae.